CO.CC is the world's best free domain name registrar and the leading provider of Internet services including - Free dns service, online marketing, url forwarding, e-mail and more.
We are the sole developer and proprietor of our technology, do not license any products from others, and do not outsource or offshore any of our operations. This enables us to provide better support and ensure the most advanced and competitively-priced products and services available today. We are committed to making it easy and affordable for businesses to build and grow their Internet presence, no matter their technical skill level. CO.CC's employees are dedicated to providing excellent customer support and offering innovative, reliable products and services.
CO.CC has become the world's #1 choice for free domains by providing innovative, competitively-priced products, delivering the highest quality customer service, and by always appreciating and listening to its customers!
Domain Mapping and CO.CC
Domain Mapping is the process of pointing a registered domain name to a blog or photo album. Domain mapping is more than domain forwarding, because your permalinks and URL contain the address of your domain (, and not a sub-domain (
You can map a CO.CC domain to your blog or photo album. In order to use domain mapping, you must create and modify A, MX, and CNAME records.
CO.CC supports free DNS services. This means that CO.CC gives you
control over the DNS records that describe your domain.
1 komentar:
Really good services you are providing, We are also providing domain registration and hosting services at affordable prices.web hosting provider
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